Hair Loss: The After-effects of Covid 19


COVID-19 Infection has had a negative impact on all aspects of our lives. Whether it resulted in financial stability, the loss of loved ones, the near-extinction of social life, stress, and poor health owing to a weakened immune system. It didn't even spare our hair, which is the primary source of our joy.

People are becoming increasingly depressed.

The COVID's wreaking havoc isn't yet complete.

We are also subjected to post-recovery adverse effects. We lose our sense of smell and taste, lose our mental clarity, and become unconscious, all of which lead to serious hair loss.

Hair shedding for a long time is one of the serious long-term side effects of the COVID-19 infection, which is frightening.

Patients with covid should get advice from an expert as soon as possible in order to solve the problem effectively.

To achieve the desired and expected results, you need undergo the best hair transplant in Dubai performed by expert physicians.

hair loss treatment in dubai

The Most Common Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a typical occurrence in both men and women, and it can be caused by a variety of factors.

  • Medications for many disorders, particularly hormonal medications.
  • Emotional stress is a major issue.
  • Genetics
  • Surgical Procedures
  • Ageing
  • As a result of childbirth
  • The menopausal period has begun.
  • Infections caused by viruses
  • Thyroid Abnormalities

One of the most common causes of hair loss is

A person typically sheds 100-150 hairs every day, which is normal. Telogen effluvium is a disorder in which you notice clumps of hair breaking out or flaking out after an illness or stress.

Almost all of the hairs on our scalp are in the anagen stage of growth. The remaining 10% are in a dormant state known as telogen. The anagen has a three-year or longer lifespan since it is in a growing condition. The anagen begins to change into a telogen after three years, which lasts three to six months. The fresh anagen hairs replace the telogen hairs after they shed.

The hair growth cycle continues in this manner.

Hairfall and COVID-19

Following a stressful event, such as caring for loved ones who are unwell or hospitalised, or after pregnancy trauma, you may notice an increase in hair fall or hair shed—especially if the individual is stressed or ill. After recuperating from the COVID-19, many observe a lot of hair fall and clumps. People become traumatised as a result of the situation, and it becomes difficult for them to remain positive. In this high-stress situation, our bodies move to a big alteration too soon as a result of COVID-19. Approximately 10% of anagen hairs are converted to telogen hairs, which shed after three to six months. Instead, 50% of anagen hairs become telogen hairs, resulting in severe hair loss and clumping when you shower or brush your hair.

How Long Does Hair Shedding After COVID-19 Last?

Hair shedding could last three to six months when nearly half of anagen hair (almost 50 percent) converted prematurely to telogen hair. Your hair will begin to return to its normal rhythm once you have fully recovered from COVID-19. Losing telogen does not imply that your hair follicles have died. Only your hair sheds, and it grows back in a few months.

When your hair returns to its normal rhythm after a few months, you will notice a difference in hair thickness. They will not re-grow as thick as they were previously. You'll notice a change in growth because it'll be slower, like a centimetre per month.

It will take two years to grow your hair long enough for a full ponytail if you have shoulder-length hair.

Some patients who have had COVID-19 and have had a long recovery time may develop chronic telogen effluvium, a kind of hair loss that can persist anywhere from six months to a couple of years. The experts were unable to determine what was causing the excessive hair loss.

Medical therapy is frequently used by dermatologists to treat persons who have had COVID-19 hair losing for a long time. Hair loss therapy in Dubai is provided by Dynamic Clinic particularly for COVID patients.

COVID-19 Infection Hair Loss Treatments

Hair loss treatments in Dubai involve time and patience, therefore treating a patient with hair loss can be difficult. After a few days of treatment, it is impossible to regrow your lost hair. People who are undergoing treatments are encouraged by the dermatologist. Patients are encouraged to assess and track their progress throughout their treatment. Patients should conduct a daily one-minute brush test and collect the hair to track their improvement, according to the dermatologist.

Dynamic Clinic Dubai Would Be Delighted to Help You!

Have you been putting up with hair loss for a long time?

We have some great news for our anxious patients!

Dynamic Clinic provides the best PRP in Dubai for hair loss, using cutting-edge technology to give patients long-term results.