Medical Hair Restoration Techniques - Surgical and Non-Surgical Procedures

Medical hair restoration procedures and hair transplantation have received a lot of study and interest. Male pattern baldness is predicted to affect almost 90% of all males at some point in their lives, with considerable variation dependent on hereditary and medical variables. Given how common the issue of hair loss is, it should come as no surprise that non-surgical and surgical treatments make up the majority of medical restoration. Each has distinct benefits and drawbacks and may or may not be appropriate for someone who is experiencing hair loss.

Hair Restoration Without Surgery

Numerous non-surgical procedures that don't actually involve medical transplantation have been around for a while, but the most of them are useless at regrowing hair and are, at best, a waste of money. But in recent years, two medications for hair loss have surfaced that are both efficient and inexpensive. They are actually the only two FDA-approved hair loss remedies on the market right now.

Finasteride is a hair-regrowth drug available exclusively by prescription and sold under the trade name Propecia. It comes in the form of a tablet that is taken every day and, over the course of several months, causes varied degrees of hair regrowth. It has a severe caution for pregnant or potentially pregnant women, as Propecia can result in birth abnormalities in foetuses. Since Propecia can be absorbed via the skin, women shouldn't use it or even handle the pills.

Previously a prescription drug, minoxidil is now sold over-the-counter for both male and female use under the trade name Rogaine. It is a daily topical hair restoration treatment that stimulates new hair growth when applied to the scalp. The effects of Rogaine can vary, but they often start to show after several months of treatment.

Both Rogaine and Propecia have been found to be beneficial to varied degrees and are simple and convenient to use. The major drawback of these non-surgical hair restoration techniques is that whatever hair regeneration that has already taken place would be lost if they are ever discontinued. The cost of Rogaine and Propecia medication can pile up over time to be pretty expensive.

Surgery to restore hair

Surgical methods and procedures are a popular and reasonably priced type of hair restoration therapy. More long-lasting solutions to hair loss are offered by surgical procedures such as scalp reduction and hair transplantation than by non-surgical ones.

Surgery for hair transplants

Hair transplantation is the most popular type of surgical medical hair restoration. Compared to other procedures, hair transplant surgery is much less intrusive and can provide many individuals very good results. Hair transplantation is now simpler and safer than ever thanks to advancements in technology and methodology. In contrast to the early days of hair restoration, when patients would emerge with rows of "hair plugs" that occasionally appeared practically fake, an expert surgeon may produce outcomes that look remarkably natural.

Methods Frequently Used in Hair Transplantation

Follicular Unit Extraction: This medical restoration method extracts individual hair follicles from the donor location using a very small punch tool. Typically, the punch tool has a diameter of no more than one millimetre.

When hair is removed from a donor area using the micrografting technique, a graft with just one or two hairs is created, which is then inserted into the scalp using a microneedle or a very small punch. The graft might be cut off of a larger round donor graft or removed directly from the donor site.

Minigrafting/Multi-Unit Grafts: With this hair transplantation technique, hair is removed from the donor area in slightly bigger configurations, often three to six hairs per unit. These grafts are frequently produced by cutting pieces from a bigger round donor graft.

The initial methods of hair restoration and transplantation used circular grafts that were implanted entire into the scalp and had twenty or more hairs per graft. Nowadays, it is much more typical for circular grafts to be cut into smaller pieces before being implanted.

Hairline Refinement: In this process, extremely small grafts are placed in and around the hairline area to recreate the previous appearance. This significantly softens the appearance of the medical hair transplant, giving it a more natural appearance that doesn't resemble a row of scalp "plugs."

Surgical Treatment for Alopecia

Alopecia reduction surgery is a different kind of medical restoration therapy. It is mostly applied to male patients with scalp bald patches that are noticeable. Alopecia reduction surgery comes in three common forms:

Scalp reduction is a medical restoration procedure that entails removing the bald scalp and pulling the borders of the scalp where hair is growing in closer together. Patients with bald patches of scalp on the crown of the head are the main target audience.

Scalp Flap: This hair restoration technique involves shaving off bald patches of the scalp and replacing them with strips of scalp that are still growing hair. In order to fit the excised bald scalp area more organically, the strips are frequently rotated.

Prior to scalp reduction or scalp flap surgery, the scalp is expanded using a temporary inflatable device to increase the areas of the scalp that produce hair. In this transplant procedure, the expander is positioned under the scalp, typically along the sides, and gradually stretched over a two- to three-week period. The stretched or donated strips can then be inserted to replace balding scalp.

Which Medical Procedure Is Best?

There is no one medical hair restoration dubai procedure, surgical or non-surgical hair transplantation included, that is best for every patient. Based on a correct diagnosis of the hair loss cause and the patient's willingness to invest the necessary time, energy, and money, the best course of therapy should be chosen.

Rogaine and Propecia are two non-surgical treatments that are less invasive and a little more covert than surgery. The drugs are easily accessible, either over-the-counter (for Rogaine) or by prescription (for Propecia), and they do work for many people. Though it does take a few months for any improvement to actually show, they are not always successful in restoring hair.

Compared to non-surgical therapies, surgical procedures like hair transplantation and alopecia reduction surgery are more expensive and need a little more work from the patient. Depending on the method utilised, recovery times will differ, and the more extensive restorative procedures are challenging to conceal or keep private in the days following this medical therapy. Some patients may decide to take time from work in order to heal completely.

Visiting a doctor is the only trustworthy way to choose a medical hair transplantation or restoration technique. After correctly identifying the source of hair loss, he or she can educate you of your treatment options and connect you to local hair restoration experts.